Does Your Agent Have Culture?

People spend money on insurance.  There really is no way around spending money on insurance.  Today’s people have so much stuff and so much risk how could you live smartly without insurance?  You simply can’t.


So how do you position yourself to have a relationship of trust and value?   I will say those 2 words again…trust and value.  They are two words in the process of gaining or understanding the one all important word…culture.   Do the people you are giving money to each and every day out of your paycheck providing a culture of satisfaction?  Look at your typical monthly fixed expenses:  Heat, city garbage or utilities, electricity, food, car/house payments, clothing, taxes and insurance.   The culture at those institutions can be very mundane and with no empathy.  How about that insurance fixed expense?  Its there every month and are you doing business with someone and some organization that gives you trust and value?


IF you purchasing platform (direct or agency) is not giving you personal attention, personal recommendations and accessibility all the time it is time to look.   If the local power company does not give you personality and pleasure you have to understand it is a monopoly.  You have no choice.  But when it comes to every type of insurance you need to verify and ask about the culture.  Are you part of newsletters, customer appreciation events, birthday notes and the public hello and acknowledgement when you see them?  This is culture.  You need to get verification in multiple forms throughout the year that the agent and agency appreciate you spending every month with them. 


The acceptance or challenge is up to you as the consumer.  If you accept a culture with no trust and value that is your choice.  I know if I have the option of who I do business with.  I have let go of multiple relationships from attorneys, accountants, and especially bankers because the culture of their organization gave me the impression they were entitled to my business.  Don’t’ ever let that happen with your monthly insurance commitments. 


Stay hungry and demand more from people.


-Jay Knobbe

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