Sara's Journey

My journey in insurance began 6 years ago, it started out as a job and very quickly became a career I was passionate about.


I have seen first-hand how an insurance claim can cripple a small business, putting the business and even the insured’s family finances at risk.

The fact of the matter is that the right insurance is crucial to make the insured whole again and ready to get back to business, or life as normal as soon as possible after a claim.   


This reality presented itself not long after my career started.   A current customer of ours was running his daily route north on Hwy 15 coming back from Schuyler.  He met a car in the oncoming lane, just as he met the car, it swerved into his lane and directly into the front of his truck.  No time to react, in an instant it happened.  Unfortunately, the driver of the other vehicle died instantly. 


Thankfully, our insured was not injured but his truck sustained heavy damage. Our insured already dealing with the emotion of what happened and what he witnessed, also learned that the other driver did not have insurance.   

Without the proper insurance, he could be left with a truck that wasn’t drivable, payments to make on that truck and a household that relied on that income to make ends meet.  But….that day, and every day he was insured with us, he had the right coverage.


What I do is more than just a job.  It’s about delivering the right coverages to prepare for the worst, and being there when worst happens to step up and make a difference……


-Sara Kuhn

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